Da jeg kom hjem, rev jeg opp boksen, og i den lå: Tre flotte kluter, garn (!!!!), en morsom tekopp og to bokser te, sammen med et fint kort fra Farrah Frye. Tusen hjertelige takk!
Friday I received a(nother) package notice from the postoffice. I thought I was in control (as usual) and wondered about what I forgot I had orderen this time. Today I walked to the postoffice, not feeling well, tired and in wet weather. The postlady got out a pretty large, square box, and I read the label: "Dishcloths". WOW!!! They're finally here! I signed on to a dishcloth swap at Ravelry ages ago and haven't received mine yet.
When I came back home, I tore the box open and in it was: Three gorgeus cloths, yarn (!!!), a cute teacup and two boxes of tea, along with a card from Farrah Frye. Thank you soooooo much!!
1 kommentar:
Heldig du er... kos med postkasse mat...
ha en fin uke ...
kommer igjen seinere jeg...
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