This week just flew by. A lot of the time was spent (at least on thinking about) papers. I also think I slept a lot. In addition, I was doing an assignment for Gods work! Wow, that sounded great. Actually, it was "only" knitting. I hoped I would manage 6 pairs of actuall "raggsocks" but even though I am a fast knitter, I am not superwoman (yet!;) so I "only" made keysocks. Why 6? Because they where going to be gifts for the scots that where visiting Kelly and the Quest-group this week. The "Radiant" team have been helping with Jesus-week, and I joined in at tapas night thursday and Worship night friday, where we handed out these (literaly) tokens. They where a huge succes, though :)

I met Kelly along with the other people from the Quest-group in the fall 2007. I had just moved to Trondheim, and a friend of a friend of mine had invited me to a retreat with this group. I instantly felt at home with these "crazy Americans" and their followers:)
Through these last 3 years this group and especially Kelly has ment so much to me. Although I haven't been able to spend as much time as I would like with them and their work, they have been a sanctuary, a tremendous support and the source of huge amounts of fun and happiness for me. Kelly is a true Woman of God. She listens, gives advice, full of wisdom and compation and always has a laugh and a smile for me.

Kelly, I love you, and you are very important to me! I am gonna miss you like crazy when I move, but I will take you with me in my heart!
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